Annual Reports
The annual reports are assessment and planning documents combined. These comprehensive documents provide readers with information about CHPO’s performance.

Annual Report FY2024
In the course of work assignments in 2024, the Marshall Islands CHPO team members surveyed and mapped over 100 sites in 4 atolls, identified Marshallese community cultural knowledge holders, provided community outreach awareness and opportunities, assisted international partners, participated in key local, national, regional and international conferences, began construction work in two national parks, and established and maintained partnerships with local, national, regional and international partners! Jeraam̗m̗an (All the best) to the year ahead! Download a copy here.

Annual Report FY2023
In October 2022, over ten (10) key performance indicators (KPI's) were established to form the baseline performance assessment for the CHPO Office. By October 2023, the CHPO Office was able to accomplish all ten KPI's. Download a copy here.